Simon Ager MLA Simon Ager MLA
Simon Ager, Maple Leaf Adventures

Interim and final report

Interim Report

For the grant recipient to move forward and receive the final 20% of the grant funding in accordance with the agreement made with the CBVA, an interim report must be submitted at the halfway point of their project.

  • Project is moving forward with respect to the submitted work plan.
  • Timing is on track and will be completed by proposed end date.
  • Budget is on track and on par with the project plan and appropriated funds.
  • Methods and approaches are effective and continue to be in line with the CBVA values; to promote sustainable bear viewing and aid in the protection of wild bears and their ecosystems.
  • Results reported (quantitative and anecdotal) thus far are measurable and demonstrate quality commitment to the project objectives.

Required content

Expense report

  • A detailed list of funds spent on the project and a detailed list of projected expenses related to the project.

Interim Report Summary – 250 – 500 words, including the following

  • Title, date, name, and location of the project
  • Detailed outline identifying all activities to date and a timeline for the remainder of the project
  • Identify any additions, omissions, adaptations, or other changes made from the proposed project and specify the reason.
  • What results (quantitative/qualitative/anecdotal) have you recorded so far, and how do you evaluate them with regard to accomplishing the project?

Final Report

In accordance with the agreement between the CBVA and the grantee, the grantee will submit a final report of their completed project within one month of completion to receive the final 50% of the grant funding. Upon successful completion and approval of the final report, apart from committing to acknowledge the CBVA in any public representation, social media, or traditional media, the grantee will be released from any further commitment to the CBVA.

The final report aims to fully inform the CBVA of the project and is, therefore, an important document that must be completed.

Required content

Expense Report

  • A detailed list of all expenses and funds spent.

Project summary – 250 – 500 words, including the following

  • Title, date, name, and location of the project
  • Project objectives, activities and methods
  • Were these objectives and activities met? If not, why?
  • Who will benefit from the project?
  • How has the project contributed to science/research? (if applicable to project application)
  • How has the project contributed to bear conservation, education or stewardship?
  • What are the long-term implications/benefits?
  • Conclusions/recommendations

Project Photo

One or two photographs best depict the project, which the CBVA will use on its website (along with the final written report) and social media channels.